
We have a passion for sailing, aviation, adventures and weather (both good and bad!) and this website was built to help us keep track of all of it. You'll find original articles here on all aspects of sailing including destinations we've enjoyed, techniques we've learned, gear and rigging we like as well as the inevitable mistakes we've made. We also spent 20 years in private aviation culminating in a circumnavigation of the world in 2008. We're also both avid photographers (as well as video for Tracy) so you'll find some interesting photo galleries and video to enjoy as well.

You're welcome to come along for the ride as we learn and have fun on the water around the world. If you like any of our articles, feel free to leave a comment to share with everyone (please note everything on this website is Copyrighted.

As it's possible some of you might not know about some interesting books on sailing, we're sharing the ones we've read and enjoyed so you can perhaps find something interesting for you to read as well.

We're starting out from scratch here and will document our 'learning curve' so perhaps we can save you from making some of the same mistakes we are bound to make! We do have a background in Aviation so our knowledge of meteorology and navigation are solid, it's just learning how it all applies to sailing.

Thanks for dropping in!