Anchorage at Nonsuch Bay, Antigua

By Art on (with 0 comments)


7 meters

This is the third season we've come to Antigua and each time we look forward to our anchorage in Nonesuch Bay. It's located on the north east coast and is a fantastic place to wind-surf, scuba dive, snorkel and just hang out. The anchorage is in a sand and is located behind a coral reef so we have no swell and great breezes.

When you enter this bay, you have to weave your way in a narrow passage so be sure to have updated charts, someone on the bow to look for coral and do it at mid-day so the sun is overhead and the coral heads are easy to spot. They have a number of mooring balls available for smaller yachts otherwise, there are lots of sand patches to drop anchor in as well.

There's also a number of great restaurants hidden is some of the coves deeper into the bay and we sometimes go for a lunch or dinner but, to be honest, the anchorage is so great, that we usually just hang out on the boat.

Don't miss out on this anchorage, it's one of the best in Antigua!

Anchorage Position

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