Anchorage at Ilot Ua, New Caledonia

By Art on (with 0 comments)


14 meters

Our first normal anchorage after arriving here in New Caledonia. The past three weeks have been filled with rainy weather followed but a close brush with Cyclone Donna followed by more rain. Finally we are able to get out to the Southern Lagoon where all the best places are located.

For our first anchorage we've located ourselves at Ilot Ua which is surrounded by reef (except for one, small dinghy passage). The island itself has amazing white sand beaches on the leeward side and is covered with driftwood on the windward side.

After we arrived on Wednesday other boats started filling in and by the weekend we have 5 other boats on this island and 6 on the next small island over. Obviously we aren't the only ones who have been waiting for good weather!

Snorkeling and diving has been really nice with visibility of about 15m and lots of pristine coral, fish and other 'critters'. The beach is wonderful with lush foliage (no coconut palms however) and good swimming.

We have excellent holding in sand about 14m down with great places to anchor for any-sized yacht all around us.

Oh, and on the way over from Noumea we caught a small bonito tuna followed up with a nice king spanish mackerel (called 'waloo' around the Pacific)

Anchorage Position

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