One Week Countdown until Arc 2011

By Tracy on (with 1 comment)

FG is dressed for the party Gustavo's text message said it all: "four days to go!" His flight from Milan comes in on Tuesday, Roland will arrive Wednesday from Sweden- the crew is assembling! Sean has been enjoying a much deserved weekend off but come Monday, it will be back to work for everyone on board Feelin' Good. The official hectic countdown has begun, only one week left before the journey begins.

Art has been referring to his crew as his [dream team[, and with good reason. They're all experienced sailors, all very enthusiastic and all friends. Gustavo is a professional boating instructor and harbor master from Switzerland, while Sean is a certified RYA yacht master and also an instructor. When Roland is not out sailing his own yacht Bella Luna, he works for Hallberg-Rassy, the shipyard that built Feeln' Good.

This past week has been a lot of fun for me; hanging out in Las Palmas, seeing the guys, helping out with provisioning and enjoying the spectacle that is the ARC. Every type of sailing vessel imaginable is represented and in every conceivable state of seaworthiness. The boats range in size from 12 meters up to 33; many with whole families and even their pets on board. There are 21 children participating this year. The fleet totals 244 boats but bad weather in the Mediterranean and off the coast of Africa has held up about 70 entries, some may not get here in time for the official start.

Feelin' Good will be ready, she's been cleaned and polished to brilliant perfection, her festive dress flags are up and even the ARC safety inspector said she looked, "stunning". So with all the official boxes checked off, Feelin' Good is now officially entered in the ARC Cruising Division 2011! The official start of the rally is 20 November, I know I'll be checking in on the guys progress as they sail for St Lucia; hope you will too!

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  • comment from Di Thomson Di Thomson on November 19, 2011

    Good luck... we will be following your sailing. Hope the weather is perfect for you. Love Di and John