HR-54 Feelin' Good Atlantic Crossing 2011

By Tracy on (with 0 comments)

Aboard the Hallberg-Rassy 54 Feelin' Good, Art, Sean, Roland and Gustavo face the Atlantic during the ARC Atlantic Rally for Cruisers November 2011. It was an incredible experience to be so far offshore with good winds, clear blue skies and dolphins dancing around the yacht. We ate well and worked as a team for the 15 days and 15 hours it took to make the passage.

Our overall standing for the ARC was that we finished 4th in class C and 39th overall out of 249 entries. Not bad for amateurs our for the first time!

You can review our passage Gran Canaria to St. Lucia 2011 as well as our articles tagged arc-2011 on the adventure and some photos at [Atlantic Rally for Cruisers ARC 2011](/atlantic-rally-for-cruisers-arc-2011.

Run time is 00:04:58

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