Leixoes, Portugal to Cascais Portugal

By Art on (with 0 comments)


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Leaving Leixoes to an overcast sky and rain showers around the area we were motor sailing to keep making tracks south. Later in the morning the weather cleared off a bit and the winds came up so we got to sail for a while just in time for another visit from a dolphin pod. This time we had about 100 of them playing around the yacht for a good 30 minutes!

During the night the stars came out and it was beautiful until I relieved Sean at about 03:00. Right after he went down so did the weather. A squall came up with winds to 35 and visibility to zero. I had seen a number of fishing trawlers in the area before the visibility went away so I flicked on the radar to pick them up again. Thanks Furuno! Twenty minutes later we came out of the other side of the rain and continued on.

About 06:00 we pulled into the Cascais area and had trouble picking up where the marina was. I think the tiredness affected me more than Sean. Likewise entering the marina was difficult for me to pick my way around some obstricles that were lighted but looked weird to me. Finally we found where to go and backed into our berth nicely with some help with our lines. Safely put away, we now dropped into bed and sleep like zombies until noon!

Passage Position

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