Anchorage at Baie Hanavave, Fatu Hiva

By Art on (with 0 comments)


35 meters

Mysteriously beautiful and exotic anchorage surrounded by sheer volcanic cliffs and lava turrets... this has to rank as one of the most beautiful anchorages in the world. Despite that title, we share it with only six other yachts all of whom are world travelers like ourselves. This is not a 'weekend destination' but a hard-earned anchorage for the few yachts each year that pass this way on their way across the Pacific.

Mysteriously beautiful anchorage The bottom slopes off quickly from shore and, if you have a deep draft yacht like ours, you find yourself out in the deeper water. Good thing we have 120 meters of chain as 110 of it is out holding us firmly in place! On shore you can find some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. The children follow you around and are curious about everything. The men want to show you their homemade honey and wood carvings but are just as happy to give you citrus, and other local fruits. The women are interested to find out if you have any perfume or makeup to barter with. And, believe it or not, we do have internet access from a local hotspot (ManaSpot) who has a number of these spots all over French Polynesia.

We had a nice dinner in the home of Andre and Christina last night and today will enjoy a Marquesian BBQ with pig, goat and fish prepared by Sopi the woodcarver. Only here a few short days, yet we feel right at home and really enjoy the hospitality of the people who live here. In a few more days, we'll head west 500nm to the Tuamatus island to sample some of their world-class diving.

Anchorage Position

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